Ahad, 31 Julai 2011

ramadhan datang kembali

Salam ramadhan kepada seluruh umat islam sedunia, alhamdulilah syukur kepada allah kerana memberikanku peluang untuk berjumpa dengan bulan yang penuh kemuliaan ini. Tersyahdu kumengenangkan segala pahit manis bulan puasa terdahulu. Ingat lagi masa kecil2 duluku puasa "yangyok" macam tipu la sebabnya minum air dalam tandas. Memang kelakar tapi itu pada usia 7 tahun. Kali ini masuk kali ke3 ku berpuasa di tempat orang. Rasa cepat masa itu berlalu. Rutin kebiasaan berpuasa di kampus is makan sahur awal pagi. Jam 12 ialah waktu standart untuk pergi bersahur. Kurma yusuff taiyub menjadi pilihanku setiap ramadhan. Yong tau fu menjadi rutin makanan untuk berbuka takala berada di kampung. Di sini nasi kerabu mak cik kelantan menjadi juadah untuk berbuka. Seperti biasa belum habis lagi puasa dah fikir pasal raya. Itu memang diriku. Hehe memikirkan baju raya yang belum ku tempah, dan macam2 lagi..
Sekadar semanis kurma ucapan puasa aku di blog ais kacang dan laksa ni. To all muslim selamat menjalani ibadah berpuasa yall..;)

Sabtu, 16 Julai 2011

Rayyan Falliq on earth..!

sudah lama tidakku update blog ini..kini ku tampil..!ayat macam skema tapi mungkin ia satu perubahan..
mungkin saja..siapa tahu ku telah berubah..sudah jangan kau merepek.,cepat cerita tajuk post kali ini..
hurm Rayyan Falliq..?siapa dia..hensem ke?hehehe
kali ini mode excited sangat tinggi untuk bercerita pengalaman yang munkin sudah biasa bagi orang lain tapi ku baru alami...sangat teruja..!apakah?
sesiapa yang follow twitter atau facebook mungkin sudah tahu siapa Rayyan Falliq yang selalu ku post di wall2 kerajaan tu..eh bukan swasta...
nama agak mungkin biasa tapi telah ku rancang bertahun lamanya...
okay2 ku tahu korang semua marah sebab panjang lebar opening storynya...hehe
dia nie boleh la come;...berat 4kg something..sangat besar...kulit agak cerah dan merah..!awesome:)
okay2..kejap_kejap dah nak bagitau dah...dia nie anak buah pertama ku la...hehe
sangat best...!!st time ku segembira apabila mendapat berita pada jam 5ptg dalam kelas finance...
nama nie ku yang bagi dan dipersetujui 100% tanpa kompromi...hehe..hebat x kuasa ku?:)
gambar2nya nanti ku post okay...saja nak bagi korg tunggu..hehee..
mestilah hot..mcm uncle nip dia laa..hehe..
btw doakan semoga dia berjaya di dunia dan akhirat...
plus ku tengah seravut mahu beli apa untuk dia..?hehe..

Jumaat, 18 Februari 2011

hantu kak limah balik kampung

ini sebahagian dari pengaruh cerita hantu kak limah la...
memang kelakar habis walaupun cerita xde la best mana pun....
but the script memang menusuk kedalam jiwa2 rakan sekelas aku..
especially cik bielah,hazwan ewan,heikal,awien,azman dan seangkatan la...
ada je dialog yang nak dibahankan tiap2 kali bersembang..
"bakorr jer..."..."cer citer cer citer"...
nie dialog paling top rate la...
xhabis2 nak bakorr3...
entah apa nak di bakorr pun entah la....
one day tu aku sakit perut...than boleh dorg datang depan pintu toilet kata...
"abee sembelit ker..."...!!
memang gelak gegar jamban la...haha
ermm macam tu la cerita pengaruh cerita kak limah nie...
"kalau bukan hak kerajaan dah lama kawe buang"...nie pun apart la dialog yang best...hehe
apa2 pun salotttt habis pada mamat khalid sebab buat kawan2 aku terpengaruh..!!!
enjoy la tengok kejap..hehe:)

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

advantages for being single...

1- can sleep well..^-^

2-can save TIME & MONEY.

3-no worries about how you look.

4-no missed calls at mid night.

5-focus on your career and family more.

6-No need to recharge your phone twice a day.

7-can talk 2 all boys & girl. [FREE!]

8-take your own decision by yourself. [OK!]

9-can travel to study abroad and not worry about what you leaving behind.

10-no worries about if there is a future or not live stress free.

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


I can be you hero baby 
I can kiss away the pain 
I will stand by you forever 
You can take my breath away

Would you swear that you’ll always be mine? 
Would you lie would you run away 
Am I in to deep? 
Have I lost my mind? 
I don’t care you’re here tonight

I just want to hold you 
Am I in too deep? 
Have I lost my mind? 
Well I don’t care you’re here tonight

You can take my breath my breath away 
I can be your hero

Ahad, 13 Februari 2011

tips for balancing your life...

-Set attainable goals.

Pick realistic goals and focus on accomplishing them. Every success will give you more confidence to tackle the next goal.

If you can only manage to fit one business class into your busy schedule, for example, then just take one class and give it your full attention.
"When a goal seems big and daunting, one of the smartest places to start is to break it into the different pieces that will build toward the goal," says Haberfeld. "When you break it into smaller bits, each bit is more manageable."

-Make a schedule.

Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done?

Try sitting down with your schedule to get a handle on how much time you actually have. Look for the pockets of time between your professional and family obligations and see where you can plan in the time you need for homework.

"That small amount of planning makes the experience of dealing with a full life profoundly more manageable and fulfilling," says Haberfeld.

If your day still feels too hectic, consider going to sleep and getting up earlier. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish in the hour or two before the rest of the house wakes up.
-Stay organized.

"A place for everything and everything in its place" may sound simplistic, but the benefits of keeping your physical space organized go far beyond simply knowing where your car keys are hiding.

"Having our physical space organized makes thinking easier... When our physical space is hectic, our thoughts are more hectic," says Haberfeld.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, Haberfeld suggests spending fifteen minutes to organize one small area in your home or office. It might be just the thing you need to bring order to your thoughts as well.

Another tip: Don't forget to keep your calendar updated. If you can see deadlines coming, you're more likely to prepare ahead of time and save yourself from pulling an all-nighter to finish a project or cram for a test.

-Take breaks when you need them.

Feel yourself getting overwhelmed? Give yourself permission to take a break. That might mean closing the books to go for a quick walk - or taking a night off from studying altogether.

If you find yourself burning the midnight oil for weeks on end, Haberfeld suggests working downtime into your schedule. "It's important to plan time to relax," she says, "or you become less effective."

-Stay focused.

When you're at school, really try to keep your thoughts on school. Don't think about the bills you have to pay at home, or who's going to take the kids to soccer practice.

Likewise, when you're with family, enjoy being with family. You can help keep these areas of your life separate by planning study time into your schedule - and making sure you use that time to study.

For moms going back to school, it might feel wrong to focus so much energy on class - but remember that if more training helps you land a better paying or more flexible job, it's helping the whole family.
-Keep your eyes on the prize.

Trying to balance school with everything else in your life might be tough, so always try to remember why you're doing what you're doing. A little sacrifice and effort in school now can pay big dividends when you're taking that shiny new diploma on the job hunt with you.

It might help to write out your academic goals. How many courses do you need to take? What is your time line? Tracking your progress can be great motivation to keep moving forward.

Still feeling discouraged? Don't worry - it's natural to feel doubt when you're struggling to juggle so many things. Just try to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

-Don't expect perfection.

Last but not least: Remember that as much as you may want things to go exactly according to plan, life often has a way of changing those plans for us.

So maybe you don't cross off every single item on your daily to-do list. Do what you can do, and don't be too hard on yourself. Tomorrow is a new day.

@lagenda island...